Office of Certification and Accreditation

edTPA Information
edTPA is a performance-based, subject-specific assessment and support system used by teacher preparation programs throughout the United States to emphasize, measure and support the skills and knowledge that all teachers need from Day 1 in the classroom. edTPA is a subject-specific assessment that includes versions for 27 teaching fields. The assessment features a common architecture focused on three tasks: Planning, Instruction, and Assessment.
Aspiring teachers must prepare a portfolio of materials during their student teaching clinical experience. edTPA requires aspiring teachers to demonstrate readiness to teach through lesson plans designed to support their students’ strengths and needs; engage real students in ambitious learning; analyze whether their students are learning, and adjust their instruction to become more effective. Teacher candidates submit unedited video recordings of themselves at work in a real classroom as part of a portfolio that is scored by highly trained educators. edTPA builds on decades of teacher performance assessment development and research regarding teaching skills and practices that improve student learning.
The steps for completing the edTPA are listed below. The edTPA website also provides detailed information about this performance assessment.
Create an edTPA Account
The first step in registering for the edTPA is to create an account. The edTPA Registration Overview explains how to create an account and complete the registration questions. In addition, read the Register webpage, including the links to the Getting Started and Candidate Policies webpages.
Purchase the edTPA
You can purchase the edTPA for $300 during the registration process with a credit card or a voucher number/code. You can request to purchase a voucher through Barnes & Noble bookstore by emailing Michelle Righos at Vouchers purchased at the bookstore may be covered by financial aid, depending on your financial aid package; you can contact Student Financial Services to find out if the voucher would be covered in your situation.
Determine Your edTPA Platform
The last step in the registration process is to select your portfolio system: 1) edTPA Platform provider or 2) Pearson ePortfolio.
Taskstream is an edTPA platform provider. Your teacher preparation program may require you to prepare your portfolio in your Taskstream account because of the many features available in this platform.
- If you prepare your portfolio in Taskstream, then refer to the Taskstream edTPA Guide to transfer your portfolio to the Pearson ePortfolio system and officially submit it. You will need an authorization key to transfer your portfolio.
- If your program does not require you to use Taskstream, then you could prepare your portfolio in the Pearson ePortfolio system.
Check the Deadlines
The deadlines for submitting your portfolio and receiving your edTPA scores are available through the following links.
- Submission and reporting dates for initial submissions and for full-assessment retakes
- Submission and reporting dates for partial retakes
Review Your Scores
The passing scores according to the State of Delaware guidelines are listed below. You can request to have your scores emailed to you or can download them from your account.
Number of Rubrics | Passing Score |
15-rubric assessments (all edTPA assessments except Elementary Education and World Language) | 38 |
18-rubric assessment (Elementary Education) | 46 |
13-rubric assessment (World Language) | 33 |
If you need to retake part or all of the edTPA, the instructions for registering and submitting the retake is available on the Task Retake Registration webpage. You must pass the edTPA to receive institutional recommendation for certification.